It's a very common sight where roadside food stalls and vendors serve food on newspapers or wrap food in newspaper. And we accept that without even a thought, don't we? Hey everyone! In this blog we are gonna discuss about how safe it is to eat food served on newspaper. The very common reason why it seems unfit is about the ink on the newspaper. Internet clearly mentions that warm food placed on a newspaper melts the ink on it and it (the ink) somehow gets inside the body. And it is not at all required to mention the fact that ink is not meant for human consumption. It is not edible. Dyes, harmful pigments, colours, additives, bio-active material and drying agents are present in the ink. Now, exploring further reasons why this practise is unfit, I would like to discuss the journey of a newspaper. After being freshly printed, newspapers are out for delivery asap. They reach at your doorsteps, you read them (or might not lol). You might put the newspapers to some use but mostly i